Je suis chirurgien viscéral et pratique exclusivement la chirurgie colorectale (cancer du rectum, cancer du colon, maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin, endométriose, chirurgie du périnée et de la statique pelvienne).
Mon hyperspécialisation dans la prise en charge des cancers du rectum permet de proposer aux patients une prise en charge personnalisée, en fonction du stade et de la réponse tumorale, de la préservation d'organe à l'exérèse du rectum et/ou des organes adjacents en cas de nécessité oncologique.

Mon parcours
Mon expérience en chirurgie colorectale est basée sur l'ensemble des approches chirurgicales disponibles actuellement : laparoscopie, robot, orifice naturel (transanale), voie ouverte. La durée des procédures en chirurgie colorectale varie de 1 à 5 heures.
Mon activité de recherche scientifique est concrétisée par la publication de 120 articles dans des revues internationales. Ces travaux font l'objet de conférences régulières en France et à l'étranger. Par conséquent, au cours de votre prise en charge, il peut vous être proposé de participer à différentes études cliniques, approuvées par le Comité de Protection des Personnes (CPP) et la CNIL. Les données personnelles recueillies sont gérées de manière anonyme par des attachés de recherche clinique qui ont une formation spécifique et une activité exclusivement dédiée à la recherche.
Je suis Secrétaire Général du GRECCAR (Groupe collaboratif français de recherche sur le cancer du rectum), membre du bureau du GETAID chirurgie (Groupe collaboratif français de recherche sur la chirurgie des maladies inflammatoires) et membre du comité scientifique de l'ESCP (société européenne de chirurgie colorectale).
- Parcours professionnel
- 2019 - 2022 : Professeur des Universités – Praticien Hospitalier, PU-PH, CHU de Bordeaux
- 2016 - 2019: Maître de Conférences – Praticien Hospitalier, MCU-PH, CHU de Bordeaux
- 2015 : International Clinical and Research Fellowship :
- Royal Prince Alfred Hospital – Sydney – Janvier-Juin 2015
- Royal Mardsen Hospital – Londres) – Juillet-Decembre 2015
- 2011 - 2015 : Chef de Clinique – Assistant des hôpitaux ; CHU de Bordeaux
- Cursus médical
- 2013 : Diplôme d’Etudes Spécialisées Complémentaire (DESC) oncologie, option chirurgie
- 2013 : Diplôme d’Etudes Spécialisées Complémentaire (DESC) de chirurgie viscérale et digestive
- 2011 : Diplôme d’Etudes Spécialisées (DES) de chirurgie générale, Université Bordeaux Segalen
- 2011 : MD, Doctorat en médecine, Université Bordeaux Segalen, Mention très honorable
- Cursus scientifique
- 2018 : Habilitation à Diriger une Recherche (HDR)
- 2014 : PhD, Doctorat en Biologie cellulaire et physiologie, Université Bordeaux Segalen
- 2010 : Master II de Radiophysique et Imagerie Médicale, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse
- Prix et distinctions
- 2015 : Prix de la Recherche Clinique – Jeune talent chirurgical ; Académie Nationale de Chirurgie
- 2015 : Bourse de mobilité Société Française de Chirurgie Digestive (SFCD)
- 2015 : Bourse de Recherche Jeune Chercheur Unicancer
- 2009 : Bourse de Recherche Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer (ARC)
- Dernières Publications scientifiques
-Publications Année 2024
Robotic approach for removal of a presacral lesion-a video vignette.
Denost Q, Karlsen M, Assenat V, Francois MO.Colorectal Dis. 2024 Dec;26(12):2124.Robotic ventral mesh placement for external prolabation of ileoanal pouch-A video vignette.
Denost Q, Karlsen M, Assenat V, Francois MO. Colorectal Dis. 2024 Nov 15.Final Results of the GRECCAR-6 Trial on Waiting Period Following Neoadjuvant Radiochemotherapy for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: 5 Years of Follow-up.
Collard MK, Mineur L, Nekrouf C, Denost Q, Rouanet P, de Chaisemartin C, Merdrignac A, Jafari M, Cotte E, Desrame J, Manceau G, Benoist S, Buscail E, Karoui M, Panis Y, Piessen G, Saudemont A, Prudhomme M, Peschaud F, Dubois A, Loriau J, Tuech JJ, Duchalais E, Lupinacci R, Goasgen N, Simon T, Parc Y, Lefevre JH; French Research Group of Rectal Cancer Surgery (GRECCAR).Dis Colon Rectum. 2024 Nov 7.Laparoscopic and robotic total mesorectal excision in overweight and obese patients: multinational cohort study.
Smalbroek BP, Geitenbeek RTJ, Dijksman LM, Khan J, Denost Q, Rouanet P, Hompes R, Consten ECJ, Smits AB; MIRECA Study Group; EUREKA Study Group.
Br J Surg. 2024 Oct 1;111(10)Low rectal resection for low rectal endometriosis and rectal adenocarcinoma: Are we discussing the same risks?
Volodarsky-Perel A, Roman H, Francois MO, Jehaes C, Dennis T, Kade S, Forestier D, Assenat V, Merlot B, Denost Q.
Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2024 Nov;167(2):823-830.A Prospective European Trial Comparing Laparotomy, Laparoscopy, Robotic-Assisted, and Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision Procedures in High-Risk Patients with Rectal Cancer: The RESET Trial.
Rouanet P, Guerrieri M, Lemercier P, Balik E, Cotte E, Spinelli A, Gómez-Ruiz M, Wolthuis A, Bertani E, Dubois A; on behalf the RESET study group.Impact of radiotherapy on quality of life in patients with rectal cancer.
Tejedor P, Denost Q.BJS Open. 2024 Sep 3;8(5)
TAilored SToma policY after TME for rectal cancer: The TASTY approach.
Boissieras L, Harji D, Celerier B, Rullier E, Denost Q.Colorectal Dis. 2024 Sep;26(9):1683-1692.Imaging in pelvic exenteration-a multidisciplinary practice guide from the ESGAR-SAR-ESUR-PelvEx collaborative group.
Nougaret S, Lambregts DMJ, Beets GL, Beets-Tan RGH, Blomqvist L, Burling D, Denost Q, Gambacorta MA, Gui B, Klopp A, Lakhman Y, Maturen KE, Manfredi R, Petkovska I, Russo L, Shinagare AB, Stephenson JA, Tolan D, Venkatesan AM, Quyn AJ, Forstner R.Eur Radiol. 2024 Aug 25.Rectovaginal Fistula: What Is the Role of Martius Flap and Gracilis Muscle Interposition in the Therapeutic Strategy?
Pastier C, Loriau J, Denost Q, O'Connell LV, Challine A, Collard MK, Debove C, Chafai N, Parc Y, Lefevre JH.Dis Colon Rectum. 2024 Aug 1;67(8):1056-1064.Treatment techniques for rectovaginal fistulas after low rectal resection for deep endometriosis.
Potolicchio A, Jehaes C, Merlot B, Assenat V, Dennis T, Roman H, Francois MO, Denost Q.Tech Coloproctol. 2024 Apr 29;28(1):51.Feasibility of a tailored operative strategy from organ preservation to pelvic exenteration for cT4 rectal cancer depending on neoadjuvant response.
Fleming C, Harji D, Fernandez B, François MO, Assenat V, Gilles P, Clément M, Robert G, Denost Q.Int J Colorectal Dis. 2024 Jul 31;39(1):123.Tips and tricks: robotic low anterior resection - A video vignette.
Sánchez-Rodríguez M, Khan J, Denost Q, Tejedor P.Colorectal Dis. 2024 Jun;26(6):1309-1310.Contemporary results from the PelvEx collaborative: improvements in surgical outcomes for locally advanced and recurrent rectal cancer.
PelvEx Collaborative.Colorectal Dis. 2024 Apr 2.Combined Robotic Transanal Transection Single-Stapled Technique in Ultralow Rectal Endometriosis Involvement Associated With Parametrial and Vaginal Infiltration.
D'Ancona G, Merlot B, Denost Q, Angioni S, Dennis T, Roman H.J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2024 Apr;31(4):267-268.The empty pelvis syndrome: a core data set from the PelvEx collaborative.
PelvEx Collaborative.Br J Surg. 2024 Mar 2;111(3):znae042.Multicentre cohort study evaluating clinical, oncological and functional outcomes following robotic rectal cancer surgery-the EUREKA collaborative: trial protocol.
Fleming CA, Duhoky R, Geitenbeek RTJ, Moussion A, Bouazza N, Khan J, Cotte E, Dubois A, Rullier E, Hompes R, Denost Q, Rouanet P, Consten ECJ; EUREKA collaborative.BJS Open. 2024 Mar 1;8(2):zrae019.Beating the empty pelvis syndrome: the PelvEx Collaborative core outcome set study protocol.
PelvEx Collaborative.BMJ Open. 2024 Feb 5;14(2):e076538.Can shared medical decision-making help to solve the complex equation involved in the choice of optimal treatment for low rectal cancer?
Brouquet A, Denost Q.J Visc Surg. 2024 Feb;161(1):3-5.Local Regrowth and the Risk of Distant Metastases Among Patients Undergoing Watch-and-Wait for Rectal Cancer: What Is the Best Control Group? Multicenter Retrospective Study.
São Julião GP, Fernández LM, Vailati BB, Habr-Gama A, Azevedo JM, Santiago IA, Parés O, Parvaiz A, Vendrely V, Rullier A, Rullier E, Denost Q, Perez RO.Dis Colon Rectum. 2024 Jan 1;67(1):73-81.-Publications Année 2023
IDEAL Stage 2a/b prospective cohort study of transanal transection and single-stapled anastomosis for rectal cancer.
Harji D, Fernandez B, Boissieras L, Celerier B, Rullier E, Denost Q.Colorectal Dis. 2023 Dec;25(12):2346-2353.Low-impact laparoscopy in colorectal resection-A multicentric randomised trial comparing low-pressure pneumoperitoneum plus microsurgery versus low-pressure pneumoperitoneum alone: The PAROS II trial.
Marichez A, Eude A, Martenot M, Celerier B, Capdepont M, Rullier E, Denost Q, Fernandez B.Colorectal Dis. 2023 Dec;25(12):2403-2413.Stoma-free survival after anastomotic leak following rectal cancer resection: worldwide cohort of 2470 patients.
Greijdanus NG, Wienholts K, Ubels S, Talboom K, Hannink G, Wolthuis A, de Lacy FB, Lefevre JH, Solomon M, Frasson M, Rotholtz N, Denost Q, Perez RO, Konishi T, Panis Y, Rutegård M, Hompes R, Rosman C, van Workum F, Tanis PJ, de Wilt JHW; TENTACLE-Rectum Collaborative Group.Br J Surg. 2023 Nov 9;110(12):1863-1876Empty pelvis syndrome: PelvEx Collaborative guideline proposal.
PelvEx Collaborative.Br J Surg. 2023 Nov 9;110(12):1730-1731.Robotic-assisted versus conventional laparoscopic approach in patients with large rectal endometriotic nodule: the evaluation of safety and complications.
Volodarsky-Perel A, Merlot B, Denost Q, Dennis T, Chanavaz-Lacheray I, Roman H.Colorectal Dis. 2023 Nov;2The Crying Need for a Better Response Assessment in Rectal Cancer.
Amintas S, Giraud N, Fernandez B, Dupin C, Denost Q, Garant A, Frulio N, Smith D, Rullier A, Rullier E, Vuong T, Dabernat S, Vendrely V.
Curr Treat Options Oncol. 2023 Nov;24(11):1507-1523.Local excision after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for mid and low rectal cancer: a multicentric French study from the GRECCAR group
Calmels M, Labiad C, Lelong B, Lefevre JH, Tuech JJ, Benoist S, Mège D, Denost Q, Panis Y.
Colorectal Dis. 2023 Oct;25(10):1973-1980. doi: 10.1111/codi.16742. Epub 2023 Sep 7.International standardization and optimization group for intersphincteric resection (ISOG-ISR) : modified Delphi consensus on anatomy, definition, indication surgical technique, specimen description and functional outcome.
Piozzi GN, Khobragade K, Aliyev V, Asoglu O, Bianchi PP, Butiurca VO, Chen WT, Cheong JY, Choi GS, Coratti A, Denost Q, Fukunaga Y, Gorgun E, Guerra F, Ito M, Khan JS, Kim HJ, Kim JC, Kinugasa Y, Konishi T, Kuo LJ, Kuzu MA, Lefevre JH, Liang JT, Marks J, Molnar C, Panis Y, Rouanet P, Rullier E, Saklani A, Spinelli A, Tsarkov P, Tsukamoto S, Weiser M, Kim SH.Colorectal Dis. 2023 Aug 10.Low anterior resection syndrome after rectal resection management : multicentre randomized clinical trial of transanal irrigation with a dedicated device (cone catheter) versus conservative bowel management.
Meurette G, Faucheron JL, Cotte E, Denost Q, Portier G, Loriau J, Hansen AW, Vicaut E, Lakkis Z.Br J Surg. 2023 Aug 11MRI restaging of rectal cancer : The RAC (Response-Anal canal-CRM) analysis joint consensus guidelines of the GRERCAR and GRECCAR groups.
Nougaret S, Rousset P, Lambregts DMJ, Maas M, Gormly K, Lucidarme O, Brunelle S, Milot L, Arrivé L, Salut C, Pilleul F, Hordonneau C, Baudin G, Soyer P, Brun V, Laurent V, Savoye-Collet C, Petkovska I, Gerard JP, Cotte E, Rouanet P, Catalano O, Denost Q, Tan RB, Frulio N, Hoeffel C.Diagn Interv Imaging. 2023 Jul-AugLearning curve robotic-assisted total mesorectal excision : a multicentre, prospective study.
Arquillière J, Dubois A, Rullier E, Rouanet P, Denost Q, Celerier B, Pezet D, Passot G, Aboukassem A, Colombo PE, Mourregot A, Carrere S, Vaudoyer D, Gourgou S, Gauthier L, Cotte E.Colorectal Dis. 2023 Jul 31Is Delaying a Coloanal Anastomosis the Ideal Solution for Rectal Surgery : Analysis of a Multicentric Cohort of 564 Patients from the GRECCAR.
Collard MK, Rullier E, Tuech JJ, Sabbagh C, Souadka A, Loriau J, Faucheron JL, Benoist S, Dubois A, Dumont F, Germain A, Manceau G, Marchal F, Sourrouille I, Lakkis Z, Lelong B, Derieux S, Piessen G, Laforest A, Venara A, Prudhomme M, Brigand C, Duchalais E, Ouaissi M, Lebreton G, Rouanet P, Mège D, Pautrat K, Reynolds IS, Pocard M, Parc Y, Denost Q, Lefevre JH; GRECCAR Group.Ann Surg. 2023 Jul 31Clinical consequences of diagnostic variability in the histopathological evaluation of early rectal cancer.
Smits LJH, van Lieshout AS, Bosker RJI, Crobach S, de Graaf EJR, Hage M, Laclé MM, Moll FCP, Moons LMG, Peeters KCMJ, van Westreenen HL, van Grieken NCT, Tuynman JB; TESAR research group.Eur J Surg Oncol. 2023 JulRobotic-assisted soft-tissue pelvic exenteration for primary and recurrent pelvic tumors : IDEAL stage 2a evaluation.
Fleming CA, Harji D, Salut C, Cauvin T, Robert G, Denost Q.Br J Surg. 2023 Jul 17Can shared medical decision-making help to solve the complex equation involved in the choice of optimal treatment for low rectal cancer ?
Brouquet A, Denost Q.J Visc Surg. 2023 Jul 25Local Regrowth and the Risk of Distant Metastases Among Patients Undergoing Watch-and-Wait for Rectal Cancer : What Is the Best Control Group ? Multicenter Retrospective Study.
São Julião GP, Fernández LM, Vailati BB, Habr-Gama A, Azevedo J, Santiago I, Parés O, Parvaiz A, Vendrely V, Rullier A, Rullier E, Denost Q, Perez RO.Dis Colon Rectum. 2023 Jul 25Stoma-free Survival After Rectal Cancer Resection With Anastomotic Leakage : Development and Validation of a Prediction Model in a Large International Cohort.
Greijdanus NG, Wienholts K, Ubels S, Talboom K, Hannink G, Wolthuis A, de Lacy FB, Lefevre JH, Solomon M, Frasson M, Rotholtz N, Denost Q, Perez RO, Konishi T, Panis Y, Rutegård M, Hompes R, Rosman C, van Workum F, Tanis PJ, de Wilt JHW; TENTACLE-Rectum Collaborative Group.Ann Surg. 2023 Jul 27Parallel, component training in robotic total mesorectal excision.
Harji D, Aldajani N, Cauvin T, Chauvet A, Denost Q.J Robot Surg. 2023 JunAn analysis of feasibility of robotic colectomy : post hoc analysis of a phase III randomised controlled trial.
Fleming CA, Celarier S, Fernandez B, Cauvin T, Célérier B, Denost Q.J Robot Surg. 2023 JunComparison between preoperative chemoradiotherapy and lateral pelvic lymph node dissection in clinical T3 low rectal cancxer without enlarged lateral lymph nodes.
Tsukada Y, Rullier E, Shiraishi T, Capdepont M, Sasaki T, Celerier B, Denost Q, Ito M.Colorectal Dis. 2023 JunRobotic assisted rectal disk excision : the 3-cm diameter cut off may be abandoned.
D'Ancona G, Merlot B, Denost Q, Roman H.Fertil Steril. 2023 MayIntegrating a tumour appropriate transanal or robotic assisted approach to total mesorectal excision in high-volume rectal cancer practice is safe and cost-effective.
Fleming C, Fernandez B, Boissieras L, Cauvin T, Denost Q.J Robot Surg. 2023 Apr 26.A phase III randomized trial evaluating the quality of life impact of a tailored versus systematic use of defunctioning ileostomy following total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer-GRECCAR 17 trial Protocol. Denost Q.
Sylla D, Fleming C, Maillou-Martinaud H, Preaubert-Hayes N, Benard A; GRECCAR group.Colorectal Dis. 2023 MarExcision of Deep Rectovaginal Endometriosis Nodules with Large Infiltration of Both Rectum and Vagina : What Is a Reasonable Rate of Preventive Stoma ? A comparative Study.
Roman H, Dennis T, Forestier D, François MO, Assenat V, Chanavaz-Lacheray I, Denost Q, Merlot B.J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2023 FebAn International Multicenter Prospective Study Evaluating the Long-term Oncological Impact of Adjuvant Chemotherapy in ypN+ Rectal Cancer.
Denost Q, Fleming CA, Burghgraef T, Celerier B, Geitenbeek R, Rullier E, Tuynman J, Consten E, Hompes R; Dutch MIRECA Collaborative Group (Pubmed Citable).Ann Surg. 2023 FebRobotic-assisted enterovaginoplasty reconstruction folowing a posterior pelvic exenteration - a video vignette.
Fleming CA, Chauvet A, Cauvin T, Denost Q. Colorectal Dis. 2023 Jan;25Feasability study of a Response Surveillance Program in locally advanced mid and low rectal cancer to increase organ preservation.
Boubaddi M, Fleming C, Vendrely V, Frulio N, Salut C, Rullier E, Denost Q.Eur J Surg Oncol. 2023 JanAccéder à toutes les publications des années précédentes.